Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Growing, Harvesting and Seed Collecting

The beans I planted last week have already grown their first set of true leaves.    Below is a photo of the seedlings, grown from the black beans I collected last year.  I love how they grow with the seed coat still attached!   The tendril is from the Cascadian snap peas.  

Seed coat is still attached to the bean plant!

This week we ate our final installment of asparagus, along with lots of lettuce, kale, chives, cilantro, strawberries and some peas and garlic scapes.

Peas, asparagus, strawberries, lettuce and cilantro

Peas, garlic scapes, chives, cilantro, kale and strawberries

Elsewhere in the garden:

Clematis and rose

Mock Orange (Philadelphus) in all its glory

I've started collecting columbine seed (Aquilegia canadensis L.).  Lots of columbine are still in bloom, but the early bloomers have gone to seed.

Columbine seed pods, plus one visitor.

When the seed pods turn brown, it's time to collect the seed.   The small black seeds will rattle around and fall right into your hand if you turn them upside down.  The green seed pods are not yet ready for collection.   

The columbine seed pods start out green and closed,
and then gradually turn brown and open up. 

Columbine seeds ready to be collected.

I like to toss the seeds in areas that could use some more columbine color.  I save some seeds for later, but I seem to have the best success with columbine when I  scatter the seeds now in early summer, and let them over-summer, over-fall and overwinter outside in place.

(This post was shared on Harvest Monday at Daphne's Dandelions and Green Thumb Thursday.)

Green Thumb Thursday


  1. I love columbines but the deer eat ours, even though they are supposed to be deer-resistant. We said goodby to our asparagus too, and I will miss it!

    1. So sorry to hear that. I hope our local deer don't acquire the taste for columbine or asparagus anytime soon. I've been pretty amazed that they've left them alone. Just about everything else we grow food-wise is fenced in, so if the local deer ever started munching on the asparagus, I would figure out a way to fence in the asparagus patch too.

  2. Thanks for sharing this fabulous post on The Green Thumb Thursday Garden Blog Hop. I have featured your post this week, so please come on out and join us again!

    1. Thanks so much for featuring my post on the Green Thumb Thursday Garden Blog Hop!

  3. Those veggies and strawberries in the basket look absolutely fresh and yummy. At the moment I can only grow some fresh herbs in my tiny balcony, hope I can try some other veggies/fruits in the near future.

  4. Enjoy the herbs that you are growing on your balcony. If you have room for a hanging basket, you might be able to grow strawberries. Lots of people with limited space grow their strawberries that way.


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